Curse not the King

Scripture Reading - Ecclesiastes 10:20 Easy-To-Read Version

Don't say bad things about the king. Don't even think bad things about him. And don't say bad things about rich people, even if you are alone in your home. A little bird might fly and tell them everything you said.

Today’s lesson speaks on the subject of “Leadership”. Historically, the Holy Bible references the King as the chief leader of a nation. The king would speak from a position of authority, such that his word was carried as law. Yes, historically when the king spoke all his subjects must listen. This lesson is very timely because this message just happens to be around the same time we are in the midst of selecting the next President of the United States of America. We know the current president of the United States is lobbying for a certain candidate who he feels/believes better represents his interest (and the people in whole) whereas some others (both believers and non-believers) are pushing the candidate they think is best. However, for certain only one candidate will prevail as the next President of the United States of America. We (ihlcc) find it quite interesting that some Americans (both saint and sinner) feel at liberty to “Curse the President”. We believe it is much better to vote your conscience by keeping your selection private as opposed to publically voicing your will that is separate and sometimes different than many others. Why? Because choosing a certain person is no doubt going to upset another person, so why even induce strife when you don’t need to. Besides that fact, we have a current president over America that no one should “say bad things about” according to God’s Word. When we (Christians) choose to speak negative and mean words about a leader in our nation we are speaking against God’s Word and the consequences of speaking against God’s Word are twofold in the wrong direction. Certainly it is unpleasing to God and secondly it does open a door for the devil to speak evil against you and possibly cause you some extra problems. Is he (the devil) still the accuser of the brethren? Yes, so why should we point out the faults and failures of others when we have a handful of faults and failures of our own. The funny thing is one of the two candidates will be the next president so if people speak evil of them before they take office the probability is very high that they will still speak evil of them while they are in office. If the child of God has a little foresight they would choose to use wisdom by not speaking evil today to negate a negative harvest against them tomorrow. We (ihlcc) do it differently, for example when it comes to the next President we simply ask the Great King, our Father God and Lord Jesus Christ, who is going to the next President and we stand on the wall and wait for His answer back to us. Sometimes it is quick sometimes it takes some time but thus far we have always gotten an accurate answer that proved true on election day, November 8th. We focus our prayers on the specific individual we believe the Lord is telling us will win and starting praying for them to have godly wisdom and a heart that seeks God. We start believing God for their well-being and health and quite often we add in the health of their family too with divine protection. Dear, faith friend, we can tell you why it works so well for us and we have been practicing this for several years. First it is all by faith in God’s Grace because we try to see people the way God sees them. Yes, we purpose not to allow evil in our heart by thinking and/or speaking evil of the candidates. Let God be true and every man a liar when it comes to loving all people. Yes, this is a real challenge when you hear some of the negative words some candidates say but we do realize that if it were not for the Grace of God we would “speak evil of others also by cursing the king in our thought life”. We purpose in heart not to be carnal minded by focusing all our attention on a specific man or woman but we do purpose to keep all our attention on our Good God who is full of mercy and compassion and sound judgment. Of course this is a faith proposition that the carnal minded person cannot receive simply because they are unwilling to judge themselves. What we mean is that many believers (yes, sad to say it, born-again Christians) delight in “speaking evil about the King (the current President) and the potential next President”. We have sat in congregations where the senior pastor of a very large church publically put down a presidential candidate based on his own personal viewpoint. As a public servant to all mankind under the guidance and mandate from our Heavenly King, the Lord Jesus Christ, we (ihlcc) do not believe it is right to favor one political party over another. Selah! Voting should be left to each individual as their liberty in Christ without questions and/or condemnation. Yes, people should look for the individual that best represents their personal religious and community beliefs based upon character and godly fruit whether they are republican, democratic, independent, libertarian, green party or whatever. What you believe in your heart and know in your mind is between you and God please let not man make that decision for you. We can tell you from the scripture that you should never “curse the king” which means you shouldn’t “curse the president or the next potential president” if you want (desire) to be godly. Moreover, since most Americans don’t know who the next president will be they shouldn’t even “curse” either candidate and most obviously they shouldn’t “curse” the current president by speaking evil of their words and deeds. Yes, even when they say and do things contrary to our beliefs we don’t have any scriptural right to “curse them”. They are God’s Servants let their words and deeds by judged and weighed out by God, not you or other men. In summary we pray that all God’s Children would act godly by “not speaking evil of the king” because ultimately Jesus is our King and if you are willing to speak evil (negatively, badly, critical, doubtful, resentful, dishonorable, etc….) about one of God’s servants or children you will undoubtedly speak evil about Jesus and many more Children of God. Remember in Christ Jesus if you done evil unto the least in the Kingdom of God you have do it personally unto Jesus and Our Father God. For Christ sake keep your composure by thinking right about all leaders because thinking godly will keep your words more aligned with God’s Grace and Mercy through faith in what our Lord Jesus Christ did for us. Yes, even another scripture states in 1 Peter 2:17 KJV, “Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.” This means by honoring the man/woman of God sat in a position of authority you are honoring God at the same time. Hopefully, you do understand the little bird in today’s reference verse just could be the Holy Spirit and/or the angels of God whispering in the Father’s ear the evil you speak about one of His Servants and/or Children. The very notion of this keeps us (ihlcc) humble before God because we do believe the Fear of the Lord is nothing to play around with or be loose and nonchalant about because those who refuse to show mercy shall be judged without mercy by God and other men. We pray no saint or sinner would ever fall out of favor with God because they constantly walk contrary to His Laws (His Word) and His Precepts (His Concepts). This is a sobering thought but the truth just the same for all those who practice “cursing the king” without repentance. Amen!